Engineering Services


Sewage Treatment Plant is a facility designed to treat the waste from industrial a commercial & domestic source which removes the impurities from the sewage and to meet the desired treated water quality without damage the environment. The STPs are running manual, semi-automatic, automatic mode of operation.
We are offering a full range of design services for Sewage Treatment Plants. We design plants with combination of innovative treatment processes with low foot print.
We provide services in relation to Sewage treatment catering various sectors:
  • Design & engineering for provision of STP’s for community, real estate’s /industries & towns.
  • Total Turnkey solution along with design, supply, erection, testing & commissioning of the plants including Mechanical, Piping, Electrical & Instrumentation.
  • Technologies offered for STP’s are Conventional, MBR,MBBR, & SBR, etc.
  • Design of Recycling and Reuse concepts by providing tertiary polishing treatment to treated sewage waters for plant reuse applications of gardening/flushing/reuse, etc.
Treatment Processes We Apply Key Features
MBR –Membrane based reactor Small foot Print
SBR – Sequencing Batch Reactor low capital costs
Compact plants
MBBR – Moving Bed Bio Reactor Quality products and piping items
Noiseless odorless Operation
Extended Aeration Low energy requirement
Low operation & maintenance cost
Sewage Treatment Plant - Greentech Environmental Services

Water Treatment Plant

The primary objective of water treatment is to protect the health of the community. The water should be crystal clear, with almost no turbidity, and it should be free of objectionable colour, odour, and taste.
For domestic supplies, water should not be corrosive, nor should it deposit troublesome amounts of scale and stains on plumbing fixtures.
We provide Design and Engineering Services for a diverse range of challenging projects. Our contribution in this sector involves:
  • Adoption of latest treatment technologies.
  • Technical options for design concepts required for the project.
  • Optimal design based on tender/technical criteria and to avoid any resource losses
  • Conceptual Design and Detailed Engineering in all disciplines of Engineering to detail out the system for procurement and installation of plant.
  • Layout for the project.
  • Procurement assistance which includes selection of vendors, floating enquiries, obtaining offers, technical discussions, techno-commercial comparison of offers, recommendation, assistance to client for finalizing the orders, inspection & quality control of Equipment.
  • Site supervision for all engineering activities for proper and timely installation of system.
  • Complete Project Co-ordination in office and at site to ensure timely, effective and suitable project implementation to give desired output.

Effluent Treatment Plants

We Design, Manufacture, Supply, Erection and Commissioning Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) on Turnkey basis for various types and natures of wastewaters, effluents which combines advanced physico-chemical treatment processes with tertiary polishing system for the removal of organic, inorganic, oil and grease, heavy metals & suspended solids.
Our methodology – We analyze the effluent samples for different effluent parameters as per nature and compositions, carry out the treatability studies by using different methods checking techno-commercial Feasibility and then designed treatment schemes, processes accordingly to suit the purpose and need.
Our ETP systems are very compact, tailor made designs, portable required very less foot-print to accommodate, energy efficient. The up-gradation, modification in the existing ETP system is possible to achieve desired limiting standard laid down by the Pollution Control Board (PCB).
The Principle-The principle of operation of ETP is Physico-Chemical treatment followed by Polishing Treatments like –Sand Filtration, Activated Charcoal treatment (Adsorption), Ozonisation (Chemical Oxidation), Ultra Filtration (UF), Reverse Osmosis (RO) and evaporation (If required).
We are offering a full range of design services for Effluent Treatment Plants. We design plants with combination of innovative treatment processes with low foot print.
  • Semi-automatic Operation.
  • MS process tanks with internal FRP Coating
  • Automatic chemical dosing with online pH monitoring.
  • Advanced Filtration systems like UF, RO for Zero liquid discharge.
  • Advanced sludge handling system.
  • Compact design ,required low foot print
  • Better treated effluent quality as compare to conventional system.
  • Corrosion free UPVC piping & FRP / Epoxy Lined MS tanks.
  • Process Tanks – MS Fabricated / Civil (RCC)
Typical Industries: Automobile, Metal pre-treatment, Pharmaceuticals, Chemical, etc.

Operation and Maintenance

The Effluent Treatment plant or Sewage Treatment Plant once constructed/established need to have operation & maintenance through qualified & experience persons to serve efficient & effective operations a facility.

Erection and commissioning of treatment plant

The key to a successful ETP/STP lies in its commissioning and erection of the plant as per the design specifications. In order to yield the maximum benefits of our designs, we extend our services to erect and commission the Treatment plant providing our clients with the best “End of the pipe” solutions.
Erection & Commissioning of Treatment Plant

Rainwater Harvesting

Rainwater harvesting is the accumulating and storing, of rainwater for reuse, before it reaches the aquifer. We as contenders of the “Green Environment” suggest our clients for the rainwater utilization to reuse the rain-water collected during the rainy season. Eventually, we help them right from the legal aspects to the design and commissioning of the same.